Our meditation CD

Our new meditation CD is now available for anyone who would like to order a copy. Click on the link (red text) to order the CD. You will be taken to CreateSpace which is an amazon.com company where you can complete the order.


I’ll hand you over to Kay to tell you about the CD and you can also listen to samples of the tracks.

Hi, my name is Kay. I have been channelling a group energy that introduced themselves to me during meditation in 2009. They call themselves “The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy – the purest energy of all”. They are my spirit guides. They are teachers and they wish us to know what we truly are.

In this CD we pass on two of their messages, in the form of guided meditations. Meditation has allowed much to happen for me. I enjoy the peace that it provides and the spiritual transformation that can take place when the mind is quietened.

The first track, ‘The golden light of love’, gifts you the symbol (shown on the CD cover) of The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy. Your spirit guide will take you through the rainbow light to meet and receive enlightenment from the Masters of The Circle. Here is a short sample of this track, from part way through the meditation.

The second track,  ‘Energy visualisation’, leads you in a visualisation to manifest energy to demonstrate that you are more than just what you see in a mirror. You will be given instructions at each stage and allowed time to carry out the visualisation. Here is a short sample from the beginning of this track.

Peter and I would love to know what you think of this.

We would like to thank our friend Natasha at sofiagladys.com who supplied the music and handled the recording and sound production and did a great job.

Love and Light

Kay Meade