“Live your lives consciously” – channelled message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Kay channelled this message during a session of our meditation group in November 2011.

Live your lives consciously


Live your lives consciously. Consciously live your lives. Awakened ones know of the spirit. They know to work with it. But we encourage all to work with spirit and to quieten the mind. The mind is not to take over the spirit. The spirit has all.

The spirit is what is needed and together the spirit and mind – second is the mind – you will live your lives consciously, bringing unto yourselves everything that you desire that is for the good of the Whole. For all are part of the Whole, and it is important that now that this new energy is upon the Earth, that this inflow continues into the beingness of humankind.

Help all to know that they are of one spirit, everyone united, one consciousness.

Please help the heavens more. It is not over. There is rejoicing in the heavens and there is rejoicing in the universe, but it is necessary to continue with the flow of the love.
This is so important – to keep the energy flowing. Let the wave continue and build.

Please continue. Please help us.

It is important not to stop, not to think that all has been achieved.

The Light of the Lord is upon you and all on Earth.

In love we go.

In love all will be known.


These messages are channelled by Kay Meade, a New Zealand-based trance medium, from a group of beings in the higher spiritual realms who call themselves ‘The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy’. They say they wish to spread and increase the energy of love on Earth.

The several different spiritual guides that Kay channels have distinct voices, personalities and mannerisms, but all are saddened at how we treat each other and the Earth. They say their help and love would be freely given, if only we would ask. They see these messages as a catalyst for change, helping the transition to a world based on love.


This messages is included in our  book ‘Love is the Key’ which is available as follows.


Feel free to share or reblog our messages.


Channelled by Kay Meade.  LOVE TO ALL!!

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