“Change to be determined by us” – channelled spiritual message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Change to be Determined By Us

Channelled by Kay Meade. LOVE TO ALL


“Life On Earth” – channelled spiritual message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Life On Earth

The human’s journey continues life after life. The soul, spirit or essence is what continues and bridges all of a person’s lives.

Channelled by Kay Meade. LOVE TO ALL!!


“The Great Magnificence” – channelled message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Kay channelled this message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy in December 2010.

The Great Magnificence

We see the love starting to flow. Small steps are being made and this is what will contribute to the whole.

Expansion of the Light will continue with the many that are already accepting of the words. The words of love, the words of Light. All of the kindness and understanding that brings the harmony is what we are seeing and we are so pleased.

Earth is moving forward, Earth is making progress, all people who help with this progress will feel the love shining in and through them, through their very being. This is such a wonderful step for mankind, humankind and the Earth.

There are great things that will start to flourish as the veil allows more to flow from spirit to spirit.

Allow the time of the Great Magnificence to be upon the Earth.


This message is included in our  book ‘Love is the Key’ which is available as follows.


Feel free to share or reblog our messages.



“Love Energy Heals” – channelled spiritual message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Love Energy Heals

See Kay Meade’s books on Amazon. com

Channelled by Kay Meade. LOVE TO ALL!!

“Preparation for transformation” – channelled spiritual message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Preparation for transformation

Channelled by Kay Meade. LOVE TO ALL!!

“Light is Increasing” – channelled message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Kay channelled this message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy during a session of our meditation group in September 2011.

Light is Increasing

Surrender the spirit. Allow us to help. Trust always in the energy of the Light and you will receive all of the help you need. We are just a little way away.

We see the increase of Light on Earth and it is due to all who seek the Light, opening up.

This Light is increasing and the ascension times are rising and the wave of Light is increasing and enveloping so many, and it’s all because of groups like this (our meditation group) that it is happening.

Please continue! Please spread yourself in love on those that you come in contact with.

We leave you with love and we leave you with peace.


This messages is included in our  book ‘Love is the Key’ which is available as follows.


Feel free to share or reblog our messages.



“Energy During Meditation” – channelled spiritual message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

“Meditation” – channelled spiritual message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy


Channelled by Kay Meade. LOVE TO ALL!!

“On Meditation” – channelled spiritual message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

On Meditation

Channelled by Kay Meade. LOVE TO ALL!!

“Tapestry of life” – channelled message from The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy

Kay channelled this message during a session of our meditation group in September 2011.

Tapestry of life

The Circle of the Light is with you tonight. The connection from (the spirit) within is united to the (Spirit) without so you are in union tonight.

Feel the balance that is with you now. This balance is how you would be best served in leading your lives, because then you are enriched with all of the things that you need and you will lack nothing. You have everything that you need within, when you are connected without.

Stitch every stitch of your tapestry of life and allow it to reflect who you are. Everything in balance. Everything just right. Fun, happiness, joy, experience, upsets – all are what make life.

Let your stitching start. Everyone with care, everyone just right. Because you’re with the Light.


These messages are channelled by Kay Meade, a New Zealand-based trance medium, from a group of beings in the higher spiritual realms who call themselves ‘The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy’. They say they wish to spread and increase the energy of love on Earth.

The several different spiritual guides that Kay channels have distinct voices, personalities and mannerisms, but all are saddened at how we treat each other and the Earth. They say their help and love would be freely given, if only we would ask. They see these messages as a catalyst for change, helping the transition to a world based on love.


This messages is included in our  book ‘Love is the Key’ which is available as follows.


Feel free to share or reblog our messages.


Channelled by Kay Meade.  LOVE TO ALL!!